VIDEO: How to Brew the Perfect Pot of Loose Leaf Tea
foodCoffee breaks will always have a warm place in our hearts, but lately we’ve been really into the tea break. Sipping on a warm cup of freshly steeped tea is perfect for any mood, with a flavour to match. An energizing citrus blend to start the day, sweet and smoky green tea for a little mid-afternoon boost, or a comforting spiced rooibos to unwind in the evening after a snowy winter commute. Despite its being steeped in tradition (see what we did there?), we were fairly new to the phenomenon of loose tea. But with specialized and gourmet teas rapidly gaining in popularity, we went straight to the experts at DAVIDsTEA for step-by-step instructions on how to infuse the perfect pot. They shared a delightful video with us that offers foolproof tips on how to become schooled in the fine art of loose leaf tea. Hope you love it as much as we did!
Want to beat the winter blues with an energizing tea break? Visit DAVIDsTEA at St. Vital Centre to shop their products shown here – or to have them steep a cup for you!
The Energizing Collection, $19.50
Citrus Slices Glass Perfect Mug, $19.50
Citrus Grove Nordic Mug, $22.50
David’s Perfect Spoon, $5.50
Check store for availability.
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